The first step to getting what you want is knowing what you want.
Want a free weekly journal prompt to help you connect with your most magnetic self? Sign up here:
What it's all about:
A live, 3-day masterclass to help you discover and manifest your desires.
For women interested in learning how to get what you want with more pleasure and ease, and less struggle and resistance.
THis workshop has ended. Sign up for the newsletter above, to find out about the next one!
This round with amazing prizes, drawn at the end of the week... 3 grand prices worth over $2540 USD!!!
The top 3 reasons most women don't get what they want:
You don't know what you want.
You know - with great clarity - what you DON'T want, and you keep getting more of that.
You do know what you want, but when you think of it you feel depressed (or resentful, frustrated, ashamed, defeated, overwhelmed, powerless or hopeless)
You don't know how to receive.
Your desires come to you, but you don't notice them, or you subconsciously turn them away.
Your life is "fine" ... but somehow things feel a bit "meh"
You tell yourself this is just a phase – a transition – but if you're totally honest with yourself, it feels like life is passing you by.
You want more for yourself. You're an awesome woman!
You thought by now you'd be living the dream:
Cool hobbies, a fulfilling spiritual practice, a rich social life, intimate friendships... books you planned to read, trips you thought you'd take... A love and family life that dreams are made of!
But it's not "realistic" right? You feel guilty and worry that you're being lazy or selfish.
You feel ashamed, like maybe your desires are too much to ask for.
By the time you finish your work and obligations, you feel exhausted.
Other people's needs always seem to come first, and yet somehow you're still not productive enough.
You need to numb out, so you stay up way too late watching TV or scrolling mindlessly, before falling into bed, overtired. You never get as much sleep as you want. You wake the next morning, with a blah feeling that your days all look the same.
You find yourself always thinking later.
Next week, next year... After you get that raise... Once you own your own house... When the baby starts pre-school... When the kids are grown...
There's always tomorrow to start living a magical, fabulous life.
The DESIRES 101 Masterclass will be taught LIVE
This is a 3-Day Masterclass series, has ended.
Sign up below for my newsletter!
Session Results
Leave with a new sense of permission and power. Understand and own your ability to manifest unexpected possibilities in your life, using desire magic and feminine erotic energy.
DESIRES 101 Details
FREE, live, online
This is a live, participatory masterclass where you will learn how to:
Discover your hidden desires
so when someone asks you "what do you want?" (for dinner, for your birthday, in your career, during sex, for your LIFE) you have the right answer for YOU, and that makes you feel confident.
Learn the mindset magic around DESIRES
so you can stop waiting to be "ready" and start attracting & creating your desires now. Your desires get to come before you're ready!
Transform your "bad" feelings into good ones
so that when you think of your desires, your energy invites them in, instead of chasing them away.
Learn the art of Receiving
so that when your desires arrive as opportunities, you recognize them, and know how to seal the deal!
Non eu ad vestibulum ad justo purus.
Hi, I'm Kate O'Connor
I teach women to use their mindset and erotic power to create a "magical life." ...It's about knowing what you want and how to get it, and having lots of fun along the way!
Everything I teach, I have created for myself...
From being chronically broke, lonely and depressed, to running a successful business, being totally adored, and exuding unshakable confidence... I have healed and transformed, into a life of love, abundance and constant surprising delights.
I have helped my clients manifest and create loving relationships, new homes, better careers, healthier bodies, and hotter orgasms. My clients feel powerful and worthy of their dreams, and know how to call them in.
And all of it begins with desire.
Some results and outcomes from DESIRES 101
Instant Manifesting
After being single for years, I decided I wanted to meet someone. I declared my desire to my sisterhood group, and immediately a friend (not from the group) asked if she could set me up with someone.
Now, I am tall so I asked her, "how tall is he?"
She's short, and she didn't know. "I think he's over 6 feet?" she replied....
I met him in person... He's 6'4"
Not sure how she didn't notice, but I guess that's life for a shortie LOL
Check out the date-stamps below, and hang on to your butt. Because when you have DESIRE power on your side, anything is possible!
More Instant Manifesting
The text that started it all...
Right after we met, I manifested a new apartment for my lover. He was moving to Toronto (from a much cheaper city).
Within 45 minutes of knowing his desires, my cleaning lady texted me out of the blue about this home: a sweet-ass two-bedroom apartment, a ten-minute walk from my place, in an ideal neighbourhood.
For the record, this price is UNHEARD of in Toronto.... unless you have the power of desire at your service!
These are just a few of the many many stories of instant manifesting that comes simply from feeling clear and DELICIOUS about your desires. If you haven't registered yet, sign up below!