When & Where
The workshop has ended. Sign up for our newsletter to find out when the next free workshop, event or promotion will be happening!
Live on Zoom, from the comfort of your own home.
How To Say No While Being Fabulous!
This workshop has ended.
Sign up for our newsletter to find out when the next version of "How to say NO" will be running.
Do you have well-intentioned people in your life... pushing their opinions about your wedding?
Are you feeling pressured, stressed, or walking on eggshells - trying to avoid conflict?
If saying "no" strikes anxiety in your heart, this workshop is for you. You can say no while keeping the peace!
Workshop Results
This is a live, participatory workshop where you will learn the art of saying no.
You will learn how to stay calm, and keep other people calm.
You will learn how to say no with gentleness and grace.
You will learn how to pause and re-direct the conversation, so that you can stay on track.
You will learn how get what you want, while keeping the people you love close to you.
You want to avoid major conflict, resentment or tension during wedding planning.
You want to cultivate relationships and get closer WHILE having healthy boundaries!
This workshop is for you if you've ever struggled with being a people pleaser, or saying yes out of obligation, only to feel resentful and passive-aggressive later on.
What if you aren't afraid to say no, but you don't want to come across as a diva or a "bridezilla" (ugh – I hate that word!)??
This workshop will teach you some playful ways to:
All while being the kind, thoughtful and fabulous person you ARE.
This is a live, participatory workshop where you will learn how to:
Clarify your priorities
so that you're prepared in advance for opinionated or pushy people.
Release other people's resistance, using some of the world's top negotiating methods
so that they can stop thinking about what they want to say, and start listening to what you want.
Calm your own nervous system
so that you can comminucate effectively without an emotional outburst.
Build real muscle memory
so that when you're saying the words in real life, your body language and energy matches your message.
Combining tools from six different lessons in The Course for Brides, you will learn
multiple different ways of saying no, depending on who you're talking to, and how firm or gentle you need to be.
When & Where
The workshop has ended. Sign up for our newsletter to find out when the next free workshop, event or promotion will be happening!
Live on Zoom, from the comfort of your own home.
Hi, I'm Kate O'Connor, life coach and founder of The Course for Brides!
The Course was inspired by my work as a wedding photographer spanning almost 20 years... I have worked with hundreds of couples and brides and I have seen it all.
I love helping people realize their magic and potential, and weddings are the perfect time to do that!
© The Course for Brides All Rights Reseved.